Thursday 7 April 2011

Israel Bursts Into Life After Winter Rains

After three days of much-needed almost ceaseless rain, the sun returned today in Israel’s Galilee.

Below are some pictures to gladden the heart even as we’re in the thick of pre-Passover preparations and have been sobered by news of yet another terrorist outrage – this time on a school bus in the Negev.

The driver, described as ‘hysterical’ after the incident escaped with only light injuries. But his one passenger – a teenage boy - is fighting for his life after sustaining severe head wounds from shrapnel.


My husband has been busy sneaking pictures of a colony of shy rock hyrax (above) near our home in Rabin, Karmiel. The hyrax has an ancient history, is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible three times and is considered feeble yet wise!

N&B (15)







A view from the Tefen Industrial Park – situated between Karmiel and Ma’alot.

DSCF0306This lovely garden is typical of how the early Jewish chalutzim (‘pioneers’) made Israel bloom. It can be seen at the part-dairy, part-industrial Kibbutz Sha’ar Ha’Amakim near Kiryat Tiv'on – part of Greater Haifa.

The kibbutz founders paid different Arab land owners three times for the privilege of buying what was then little more than waste land. It now boasts a thriving dairy cattle herd but is even more renowned for its Chromagen solar water heater factory which we toured during a visit arranged by the Nefesh B’Nefesh immigration aid group as a member of its staff is a kibbutz member.




Nearer home – the wildflowers which are Karmiel’s symbol begin to bloom …Flowers







To end on a tourist note: A group of us from ulpan (Hebrew studies)enjoyed a day’s outing to the Dead Sea and Masada but our last stop was at a Bedouin encampment where the sheik hosted us in his tent to fragrant tea, coffee and local delicacies.










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